Thank you for getting this far with your search for Craftybird and her Crew!
Here is a broad direction of travel for first three months of 2025 (which is being driven by practical matters concerning teeth, and a need to be closer to dental treatment 👀😬).
Craftybird will be leaving the Wolverhampton area and heading towards the South Oxford canal via Kingswood Junction, Hatton, Leamington Spa and Braunston.Â
Specific details about precise mooring locations are communicated separately on Facebook and Instagram, along with lots of other stuff about what we’re up to.
Please do give us a follow and ‘like’ even if you can’t come and see us in person! It will mean a lot.
Workshops are available all year round. Please contact us to book!
To book a workshop, just send an email with your preferred dates and times to and we will pop you in the diary!
Workshops can be as short as 1 hour and can be suitable for all ages from 8 years and older. Minimum number of participants - just one!
Go on, treat yourself!
We look forward to seeing you somewhere between here and there soon!
Sally and the Craftybird CrewÂ